Category Archives: Attività

Paul course in New York

La parola di Dio non è incatenata (2 Tim 2,9).

Dal 11 al 21 agosto 2017, è stato condotto il corso Paolo nella parrocchia della Visitazione a Red Hook della Koinonia Giovanni Battista. Hanno partecipato al corso più di 50 persone desiderose d’imparare ad evangelizzare e portare la gioia del Vangelo nella vita della grande città.




Methodology of the Fishig net Course in Cracovia

From 14th to 15th of January 2017, in Cracovia (Poland) took place a meeting on the methodology of the House of  prayer  Fishing net Course  organized by the initiative of the coordinator of the Polish National School, Beata Wójtowicz. Came representatives of different local schools of Koinonia John the Baptist in Poland and the International School. Participation was very active, work fruitful, and joyful time of sharing. After this meeting we hope that our zeal for the Lord and his project of a house of prayer will grow, so that we can persevere in our sowing.

Celebrating the 25th ACCSE Annual Meeting

From 4th to 8th November, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of ACCSE (Association of Coordinators of Catholic Schools of Evangelization) in Rome at the International Conference of the coordinators of the Schools of Evangelization. We have represented the International School of Evangelization of Koinonia John the Baptist, and also given the service of music and worship, see video-presentation. At this time of the meeting we could share with others our experiences of evangelization and be encouraged to keep the fire of zeal burning by the talented preachers like Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Fr. Gino Henriques and Michelle Moran. We have also been on the Wednesday General Audience with Pope Francis.More information about ACCSE see: evangelization 203320141107_231414